Lean into the Gratitude


This year is such an important year to remember to slow down and count our blessings, however small they may feel. With so much chaos in the world right now, it’s easier than ever to lean into the noise which is exactly what reminds us to lean into the gratitude as much as we can when we can.

A few things Temi is grateful for this year…

  1. My family. Perhaps a cliché but true. My immediate family, my husband and young son and my extended family around the world.

  2. My friends. It takes a village and pretty much every day as I’m swept up in many a text storm, I’m thankful for the fantastic friends I have in my life.

  3. Our health. Definitely a priority this year and I feel fortunate that we have remained healthy, found ways to stay active on a daily basis, enjoy our down time together

  4. Adventures. One of our priorities as parents is to raise a truly global citizen with our son. He’s such a great little traveler and we’ve been fortunate enough to take him to over 10 counties so far. Clearly that all ground to a halt in 2020 so we’ve gotten creative with other ways to enjoy adventures. From the frequent bike rides and hikes around the city, to the ambitious RV ride over summer. Adventures might not look like they used to, but they are still there to be had, and enjoyed.

  5. Good food. There will be no bread baked by these hands in 2020, the year of homemade sourdough. One of the things we’ve always leaned into at home is cooking. But this isn’t the picture perfect my child helps me in the pristine kitchen type of vibe. He does not!  I’m a functional and efficient cook so this Alison Roman book that was part of such a thoughtful birthday gift from friends, was a dream. Feeling a little stuck in a rut, a friend recommended this book, which from the title alone, made me feel so seen. Sometimes, I’ll pull out all the stops for a more elaborate meal and my son has cottoned on to the fact that if he offers to help me bake something, he’s much more likely to have something baked to eat (!)

A few things Courtney is grateful for…

  1. Our health. The beginning of 2020 (ugh. this year!!) began with my son sick with pneumonia. He recovered just fine but of course those experiences certainly put a lot of frivolous worries into perspective.

  2. Leaves changing. Ok, yes, I’ll admit it is a bit cheesy. But the bright colors dotting our street right now is such a mood booster especially during those early morning dog walks. My friend Ashley reminded me that the UC Davis arboretum is looking extra beautiful right now, so I may need to add that to my post Thanksgiving dinner to-do list.

  3. Netflix. Just started the Queen’s Gambit and enjoying it very much. Also, Great British Bake Off is the most satisfying palette cleanser.

  4. Opportunity. Yes, we can agree that 2020 has been hard. That said, this year I found Temi on Instagram thanks to this article. We started a lovely correspondence via DM and then, as luck would have it, a job opened up here at Pembroke and I applied. Opportunities can be rare, and I am so fortunate to have this one.

  5. Pie. I love pie so much. And on Thursday we will be having the classics, pumpkin and apple pie. And this past weekend I had pecan pie ice cream. Here’s hoping we have leftovers.

Tell us, what are you grateful for this year? And as always, thank you for your continued support.

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