Wellness Kit version 2.0

We've come a long way since last year in so many ways, our team has grown, our lives have continued to be lived alongside COVID19 and now we're almost a year into a global pandemic. We've figured out some things that have been working, dropped things that haven't been working and living with a renewed sense of equilibrium.

The mob descending on the Capitol was a distressing start to the year that felt like the embodiment of society being in freefall. One which put us all back into a heightened collective emotional state. So it felt like an excellent time to revisit our wellness toolkits. 

From Temi…

1. MOVE - still top of my list. I have a deep need to engage in physical activity on a daily basis. I used to be a regular at my local gym and pilates studio but over the past year I've found alternatives that work well. 30 minutes is my sweet spot and whether its an early morning burst on my exercise bike (Alex, Tunde, Kendall or more frequently a scenic ride) a barre session, some yoga either with Downward Dog or using my peloton app with (Kristen McGee or Chelsea Jackson Roberts), or a brisk walk, I love to get up, and get moving). I'm a much nicer person when I  do!

2. SLEEP - Tired appears to be a personality trait these days as my sleep hasn't been as consistent as it used to be. I have an active mind which is it's own challenge, especially at the end of the day when I need to wind down and switch off. I still try to make the effort to wind down early and hop into bed with a good book and lights out by 10. It doesn't happen every day but I aim for it to happen more days than not.

3. READ - One of my greatest loves in life! For me, it's hard to beat a really good read. Recent favorites include The Death of Vivek Oji, I'm Fine And Neither Are You, Cobble Hill, Seven Lies, American Royals (HA!), Drowning With Others. I’m very protective of what I allow into my headspace so I don’t watch much TV and find a great book does much more for me than doomscrolling or TV.

4. FRESH AIR - We've spent a lot of time indoors over the past year and I’ve noticed it’s been crucial for me to get out of the house every day. A brisk walk around our neighborhood means I definitely know every square inch of a 2 mile radius. But I love that. I’m living a life where I get to notice seasonal changes more than ever. Great way to stay present. I’m usually on a walk with my son in his scooter or roller skates and our walks are when we have some of our best conversations.

5. USE MY HANDS - busywork for the hands! I have a small sewing machine so I’ve made a few things like face masks for us, a soft toy for my son, cushion covers, simple stuff where you get the gratification of completion fairly fast. I’ve always been a fan of quick and easy recipes on the kitchen and as someone who cooks daily, they will always have my heart!  But I’ve also found myself open to exploring slightly more labor intensive recipes and baking, especially with my son. He has limited interest in kitchen activities but baking (and the promise of an edible baked good at the end), seems to spur him on. And contrary to last year, these hands have finally started baking bread. And you know what, the bread is pretty good!

6. LEARN SOMETHING NEW - I surprised myself, and everyone around me by learning to ski at the end of last year. My husband and son love snowboarding, with a steep learning curve that I didn't put much time into, I remained terrible and didn't enjoy it. I figured I could either try skiing as a last ditch attempt to find some shared joy on the mountain or sit it out indefinitely. (Ice skating had been my plan until all rinks are closed indefinitely). And lo and behold, here I am skiing, I am enjoying it. Ambitious remain modest at best so that’s also a new one for me, to not care about getting really good at the thing and just be happy to do the thing!

7. LEAN INTO AESTHETICS - I’ve always been aesthetically driven but there’s something about spending an unprecedented amount of time (safely) indoors, at home, that has had me casting my ready-to-edit eye over, well, everything. I think almost everything has been moved, rearranged, and where needed (lets not get too crazy here) replaced. I’ve also found myself making more of an effort with presentation for our family meals and setting the table properly for the three of us. I went ALL OUT with Easter decorations last year which felt so random and was topped by a decadent feast for the three of us. It felt so good to have something to celebrate. And I’ve kept that thought process going since. Celebrate where and when we can! I love looking at nice things so make the effort to make spaces and places look pretty! 

From Courtney…

1. FILM CLUB - Prior to COVID, we had big plans to start a film club with several friends. Post COVID, that became a much more intimate club via Zoom with just one couple. This has been a lovely addition to an otherwise Groundhog Day way of living. Each person gets to choose a movie, and then we all watch and virtually meet a few days later to discuss. Conversation eventually gets to the movie, but we of course spend time discussing house projects, ugly Christmas lights, our COVID puppies we each decided to get (!!), and so on. The major bonus to this club: the movies have been really interesting, great for discussion and films we wouldn’t normally know to watch. My two recent recs: Sound of Metal (Amazon) and Atlantics (Netflix).

2. PAINTING - I have a 5 year old son who enjoys painting when he’s not consumed by Star Wars Lego’s. We have painted rocks (so 2020), handmade cards and posters. For Christmas he painted his dad a card, and in turn I did the same for my husband. I stayed at the table well after my son cleaned paint off his hands. It was simple therapy. I certainly wasn’t painting an impressive landscape or portrait, but abstract designs that made me happy. And really that’s all you need to do - something simple that makes you happy.

3. DANCE PARTIES - If we are lucky, my son will call for a post dinner dance party. His favorites include Kiss’ Rock n Roll All Night, all Lego movie soundtracks, and Thin Lizzy’s The Boys Are Back In Town. We grab whatever we can for microphones, and my son grabs his handy tambourine from his room. After that, it’s really just a free for all. Everyone gets to choose a few songs which usually include Backstreet Boys’ Everybody and The Face’s Stay With Me if I get a pick. It’s so much fun, and not taken too seriously except by my husband who can get really into it. And usually, can count for some kind of exercise so really it’s a win-win. 

4. TAKEOUT - Like so many, the last thing we want to do at the end of the day is cook dinner. We have a very small kitchen so it’s not always fun to try new recipes. Instead, we’ve been doing our part to try and keep our local restaurants alive and well. And of course when we have a fantastic meal, I tell everyone to make sure they head over there too. This weekend? We are definitely headed to the new dumpling place. This year has been filled with massive challenges to say the least and figuring how to help has been difficult. And so I’ve had to remind myself I can’t fix everything, but I can help my immediate community. Help my neighbors, our local restaurants - that is more than doable and it has a lasting impact. 

5. GIVE BACK - Speaking of helping my community, I recently saw a friend on IG mention a community pantry in midtown (Sacramento - where we live). There are some guidelines for what to leave but overall its a public, well-taken care of pantry for anyone who needs it. Whether that’s a family having trouble making rent, or a homeless man looking for a meal. When I go, I make sure to bring my son. I can’t just tell him to care for others, we must actively do it together. We both mask up and stock the shelves with healthy goodies. In fact, the last time we did it he suggested we also pick up plastic forks and spoons in case they need them. It was a great suggestion so if and when you find a community pantry in your neighborhood, bring along some disposable cutlery too! I also had some old winter jackets in the car in case I saw someone who needed one. We met a gentleman in need of a jacket, and it fit him perfectly. 

2020 was hard. And 2021 was looking pretty scary there for a moment (and still is), but we were given some wonderful relief in the form of Georgia wins and a peaceful presidential inauguration ceremony. It was a day full of hope (Amanda Gorman for president!), first’s but not last’s (Hello MVP!) and jaw-dropping fashion (Wow Michelle!). 

We aren’t out of the woods yet, and so there are small things we can do to make each day a little better, a little easier. Pick something from this list if you’re in need. And if you have something that’s working well for you, please share it in the comments. We’d love to hear from you!

Temi AdamolekunComment