Wellness Kit version 3.0

Another year, another wellness kit! As our team continues to grow, we’re delighted to bring you more new ways to check in with yourself, mentally and physically, that have worked wonders for the Pembroke PR team. While the light at the end of the COVID tunnel shines brighter and brighter, recent conflict and tragedy have brought fear and stress to many all over the world, especially to those directly affected. We hope these suggestions for release and reflection can help if you have the opportunity, time, and safety to try them out!

From Temi…

  1. Move. Still my number one. As a lifelong gym user, the past two years have been a great opportunity to really figure out some other ways to move my body. Exercise is a visceral need for me, physically and mentally. I feel better and happier when I do. Year one of the pandemic I biked a lot and this year, I've been mixing it up more with barre and yoga and a lot of skiing at the weekends. I still walk A LOT on a daily basis.

  2. Sleep. I love my sleep! Always have, always will. I notice a big difference in my energy, mood and mental capacity if I don't get enough sleep. My sleep has been more consistent over the past year and I think that's down to better sleep hygiene. It's something that's spoken about frequently....but it works! Winding down earlier, minimal evening social media and blue light glasses to protect my eyes.

  3. Read. I've been on a kick with female Nigerian authors recently and it's been fantastic. The accuracy with the frame of references makes me feel so seen! Recent favorites include, Yinka, Where Is Your Huzband, Love in Color, Wahala, Ace of Spades. If you're new to contemporary Nigerian literature, I'd recommend some of my all time favorites, Half Of A Yellow Sun, Stay With Me (is anyone making this absolute banger a film yet?), The Girl With The Louding Voice, The Icarus Girl, Children of Blood and Bone, My Sister The Serial Killer, The Death Of Vivek Oji. People always ask how I have time to read.....I barely watch anything on TV and I don't spend much time on social media in the evening!

  4. Vitamin D. This one is very closely connected with #1 but a burst of fresh air first thing in the morning is the absolute best thing. Whether it's a quick or long Presidio Hike, neighborhood walk or time skiing high up in the alpine air, nothing expands my lungs like filling them with fresh air and some mood boosting Vitamin D! It's also connected to breathwork and I've been making more of a conscious effort to take several deep belly breaths when I'm out and about in the morning.

  5. Learn. Our team recently did the character strength test and in a surprise to nobody, curiosity and love of learning were two of my top 5. I've always been fascinated by storytelling and psychology and this year I finally carved out the time to do a deeper dive into both and I'm absolutely loving it. I was a little wary of adding yet another thing to my plate but it brings so much value through interest and enjoyment. Once I figured out a structure to support my studies, it made it all much more feasible!

From Courtney…

  1. Get out of town. A chance of scenery is always welcomed for me. It helps me not fixate on things that need to be done in the house. And instead, it gives me time to enjoy a new town or city or trail or beach. We can't always make an overnight trip work but even just a day trip to SF to our favorite coffee shop. Or a visit to Petaluma to see our cousins. These trips out do often involve traffic, but they also give us a chance to reset, and see something new.

  2. Organize. Sure its not a glamorous wellness tip, but the ROI on being organized is through the roof for me. Taking on the hall closet, linen closet or medicine cabinet? It does wonders for my mental health. Cleaning out what we don't need, and keeping and tidying up what we do need always leaves me feeling refreshed and certainly more in control. Our homes always collect so much, and before I know it our once large spaces now feel cramped. And so tidying up not only gives me my space back but also some peace of mind.

  3. Music. You'd think we'd have music on all the time with the record player only steps away from the kitchen, Spotify on our phones and Google tablet on our counter. But, I always forget to turn it on. Lately, I've been turning on a favorite Dawes record, or the Sing (I&II) soundtrack for my son. It immediately lightens the mood, creates conversation and maybe even a dance party if we are lucky. I also hear that the French cafe station on Spotify is great for dinner time.

  4. Podcasts. I really love my podcast line up. They are such a wonderful retreat from the hectic work day, and non stop with kids. I listen to this, this, and this quite a bit. I also love these guys. And I'm never not looking for a mystery type podcast. A bit silly, but its such a joy to listen to my ‘podcast friends’ break down the art of small talk or discuss the ridiculousness of the Real Housewives franchises.

  5. Date day/night. Whether it’s solo, or with friends, or with my husband - a night out for dinner or lunch is cherished. We don't have to worry about the kid's menu, and we can instead just enjoy our adult meals. It also encourages me to dress up a tad which is an instant mood booster. In fact, I'm headed back to a favorite spot next week with a friend. I plan to sit at the bar and have a slice of their amazing chocolate cake.

From Lianna…

  1. Vent. My processing of what's going on in the world works best when I can talk, learn, and share feelings about whatever it is that's weighing on me. It's easy to feel overwhelmed when your thoughts are trapped inside or you feel like you don't have the whole truth or understanding of something. Connect with people you trust, look up to, or feel comfortable engaging in some discourse or just releasing how you feel. Maybe those you share with harness the same feelings and you can work through it together. Maybe they don't and it's a learning opportunity. Hearing other's perspectives are so important for growth and the collective knowledge of the world.

  2. Wellness walks. Temi said it perfectly - there's something incredibly healing about fresh air and the sun on your skin. I start my day with a walk up to Twin Peaks or around my neighborhood 4-5 times a week and it feels like a major reset. It reminds me that other people are around me, the world is still turning, and that i can find the beauty in every where I go. I get a serotonin boost, more positive outlook, movement in my body, and a fresh mind to start the day.

  3. Turn it up. You can dance like no one's watching, scream sing at the top of you lungs, cry, smile - there's nothing like the feeling music can give you. Whether I'm in my car or in my house, I try to have moments of mindless activity where I'm listening to music and really paying attention to how it's making me feel - do I want to groove? Curl up in a ball? And I just let myself feel it. I also love to dance while I roller skate - talk about feeling like a diva goddess.

  4. Hobbies. Letting yourself feel is important and is always valued and valid. The next step that can be helpful is harnessing that energy into something that can be an outlet or enrich your life. I just mentioned roller skating which was a quarantine activity of mine that stuck with me. I'm inspired by other skaters who dance and love to push myself to achieve their level of skill and happiness on skates. I also picked up crocheting again recently and while it can be done semi-mindlessly, there is some focus so it's great for creativity and just clearing your mind for an hour or 2.

  5. Hugs. Hug. It. Out. Whenever you can, where ever you can, as long as you feel comfortable. I'm talking a genuine embrace, too. It's a release, a boost, and a moment of purity. Remember, you're never alone.